Blog 84 - I've Been Faking It

In this 11-minute episode Jen brings up the concept of “imposters syndrome” and points out the many, many people who are suffering from it. She explains how widespread it is for workers, including managers and high-level executives deal with large amount of stress feeling like they are underqualified for their position, thinking that they are the only one. 

Jennifer PowersComment
Blog 83 - The Clock's Ticking

In this 11-minute episode Mark and Jen discuss people’s resistance to aging and having to make mental adjustments to getting older.  They talk about dealing with mourning, anger and resistance to watching our bodies change and give listeners an opportunity to shift their thinking as they deal with father time.

Jennifer PowersComment
Blog 82 - I'm All Cooped Up

In this 11-minute post, Mark and Jen talk about the winter blues and what folks can do to make the most of the off season.  They give listeners some ideas of ways that they can be more involved and active while they are waiting for the return of spring. 

Jennifer PowersComment
Blog 81 - I've Got To Be Me

In this 14 minute post, Mark and Jen discuss the tendency of many couples to lose their individual identities once they get together as they are creating a “couples identity”. Many of us try to be what our partner wants us to be and give up major aspect of who we are as individuals. Jen points out how this happens and why it can create some unhealthy aspects to a relationship. They give personal examples and then go on to tell listeners ways that they can break this tendency.

Jennifer PowersComment
Blog 80 - An Upward Spiral

In this 12-minute post, Mark and Jen talk about Oh, shift! and specific ways that shifting has affected their lives.  They discuss the flip/find/freak chart found in the book, examine some of the reactions that are listed, and give examples of how those reactions have positively influenced their realities. This is a true “Oh, shift!” episode that gives listeners a sense of what the Movement is all about.

Mark TuckerComment
Blog 79 - I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up

In this 12-minute post, Mark and Jen tackle the topic of helping others. Jen tells a story to illustrate the point and the two use the story to illustrate how fulfilling it is to do good deeds. They go on to talk about the importance of asking others for help when we need it and why it’s important in our culture to have people that we can rely on. 

Mark TuckerComment
Blog 78 - Back To The Future

In this special New Year’s episode, Mark and Jen take the opportunity to let their listeners get to know them better. They try a different format, taking turns asking and answering questions. They also give listeners the opportunity to ask themselves the same questions about both the past year and the coming year. Some questions are silly, some are serious, but they all give shift heads a chance to feel connected to the Movement.

Mark TuckerComment
Blog 77 - I'm Being Hard On Myself

In this 11-minute post, Mark and Jen take on the topic of people that are too hard on themselves. One of the topics in Oh, shift! is teaching people to stop playing the victim role. But what about those people that tend to blame themselves for what happens? Jen casts light on her own experiences and go on to give listeners insights of how they can see things in a new way.

Mark TuckerComment
Blog 76 - I Feel Sorry For You

In this 11-minute post, Mark and Jen take on the issue of empathy. They contrast a healthy level of empathy with some people’s tendency to stay in harmful, negative relationships for empathetic reasons. They go on to discuss why we respond to people the way we do and how both our past experiences and our hormonal balance affect how we interact with others.

Mark TuckerComment
Blog 75 - I Got Something For You

In this 12-minute post, Mark and Jen announce a special holiday offer. They go on to have a discussion about gift-giving and some shifts that people can have around the concept of giving gifts this holiday season. They cover three different strategies for listeners to consider that will help reduce the stress of choosing gifts and that can make the season more meaningful.

Mark TuckerComment
Blog 74 - It's Just A Phase

In this 11–minute post, Jen and Mark discuss what it’s like to lose a certain amount of enthusiasm towards certain aspects of their lives. They talk about the different phases of life and theorize why those phases exist. The two go on to predict what things may be like in the future. 

Jennifer PowersComment
Blog 73 - Now It's Your Turn To Listen

In this 12-minute post, Mark and Jen conclude their conversation about being a more curious conversationalist. They follow up on last week’s show helping others to ask better questions by discussing what to do when you show up curious but are stuck in conversations with people who don’t reciprocate.  Mark offers a specific strategy to let others know when they should be more curious.

Jennifer Powers Comment
Blog 72 - Now I'm Listening

In this 11-minute post, Mark and Jen continue the conversation about trying to be more interested than interesting. Jen outlines some basic coaching skills for folks wanting to show up to conversations in a state of curiosity. The two talk about the benefits of having a curious mentality and cover specific skills that will completely change the tide of people’s conversations. 

Jennifer PowersComment
Blog 71 - I'm Not Listening To You

In this 12-minute post, Mark and Jen start a conversation about bringing more curiosity into relationships. They discuss a cultural phenomenon in which the majority of the population show up to conversations without a real interest in others. Jen challenges listeners to assess whether they are approaching others trying to be interested or interesting.

Jennifer PowersComment
Blog 70 - Locker Room Talk

In this 10-minute post, Mark and Jen discuss what it’s like to be a man in this day and age. They discuss the changing role of men both within the family structure as well as in their social lives. The two talk about the challenges men face in finding time for themselves to dedicate to friendships and social activities. They end with some advice for listeners in order to do what it takes to nourish the male soul.

Jennifer Powers Comments
Blog 69 - Why Did I Do That?

In this 12-minute post, Jen and Mark explore the topic of asking ourselves WHY we do the things we do. They discus people’s tendency to do things the way they’ve always done it without reviewing whether those habits are appropriate for our changing preferences and needs. They talk about why we hesitate to change our practices as well as why we may benefit from making those changes.

Jennifer PowersComment
Blog 68 - I'm Cracking Up

In this 9-minute post, Mark and Jen continue the conversation about how visual input affects the way we feel. They talk about the power of humor and the importance of laughing more. The two speculate as to why some people tend to become more serious as they age and why this is a potentially hazardous direction. 

Jennifer Powers Comment
Blog 67 - I've Got Political Anxiety

In this 12-minute post, Mark and Jen talk about the current election and discuss the concept of political anxiety. They describe how they’ve been affected by the presidential race and more specifically, how they’ve been affected by the media’s barrage of divisiveness.  Jen offers a potential solution as she’s sought to deal with the problem.

Jennifer PowersComment
Blog 66 - I've Been Judging Myself

In this 13-minute post Mark and Jen talk about the challenge of self-awareness. They explore our difficulty with understanding what’s behind our own tendencies and behaviors. Jen gets emotional discussing a recent example in which she got help understanding why she was having a very strong reaction.

Blog 65 - Sorry About The Smell

In this 12-minute post Mark and Jen explore a Time Magazine article that highlights the dark side of human emotion. They discuss the contrast between our need to expel a certain amount of negative emotion with the need to have a “shift”.  They talk about moderating between letting yourself express what’s truly inside while having a tool to keep yourself from spiraling.

Jennifer PowersComment